It is amazing to me that I really am learning and growing just as much as baby Jack is each day. While I am well aware that I am NOT an expert on anything, I forget that I will still be learning and growing too! Jack teaches me so much...mostly patience, patience, patience and self-control.
Yesterday we bought him two toys at Walmart. One was a cheap ($1) inflated ball with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet on it. It's the kind you played with as kids until someone kicked it just hard enough to cave it in so it stuck to the toe of your shoe when you'd kick it. Anyway (I'm having a hard time focusing today.), he LOVED it. He hugged it to his chest on the drive from Walmart to Trader Joe's and again all the way home. Just happy as can be. For a dollar. Praise God. Conversely, we also bought him a Mickey Tick-Tock Clock Activity Choo Choo Train (wow, quite the mouthful!)
I couldn't find a picture of it, so here's the Pooh version:

It's been about two weeks since I started this post and, darn it, I'm going to finish it! Quickly, these are things I'm reflecting on today, or what's left of today:
*God is so good that He OFTEN shows us how much we really can live without. And how we should never, ever put anything on credit EVER AGAIN!
*God blessed us with good business for the month of August so we can pay all our bills with John's commission check!
*God blessed us with three bonds, two little and one HUGE, that were posted yesterday and today that will grant us some commission for the sloooooooooooooooooow month of September.
*Jack loves to say "bird" (more like "BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...") whenever he hears birds sing, sees one in real life or in a book.
*I love my crockpot. It's like having a second woman in the kitchen. Put the food in and, magically, it comes out wonderful! And Reynold's Slow Cooker Liners clean for me too! It's like a personal kitchen miracle!
*When I am rich I will hire someone to unpack the car and our luggage whenever I return from vacation. I hate that. I don't mind packing and I love long or faraway trips but I HATE unloading, sorting and putting stuff away like you'd hate to have your toenail snag on shag carpeting. Exactly.
*Everyone's pregnant but me now! That makes me feel left out but at the same time, I'm happy that this is an area of our life that we can't just "do" to fit in or whatever. But pregnancy appears to be contagious, so I guess I shouldn't speak too soon...
*Today was cool at some times and COLD at others--time to get out that heavier comforter and dress my adorable son in warmer clothes! How refreshing the appearance of fall is to the body and spirit! At least, once your body adjusts to the complete absence of moisture and you stop feeling crappy.
*Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas/birthdays are coming! I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!
*I have no idea how we will have a Christmas tree while continuing to reside with my stubborn/selectively deaf/sneaky/destructive son. My parents used to put the tree in the playpen when my sisters were little. But Jack's reach is so far...
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