Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Long overdue

Sigh...it seems like there are always great periods of time between one post and another, which is completely and utterly unacceptable considering the frequency with which I log on to facebook in order to harvest imaginary fruits, flowers and vegetables on Farmville. Blech. Although I *have* "downsized" by planting crops that take several days to "ripen" as opposed to each day. A woman's got to prioritize, after all.
Anyway, I can honestly say that several times each day I think about this blog, thinking about little tidbits and moments that I want to cherish. But I am usually feeding/holding/changing Jack. Or cooking or cleaning or unpacking or starting/switching/sorting/folding laundry. Or praying that for five minutes--just FIVE minutes--Jack doesn't realize that I am not sitting behind him as he watches "doooooooog" or "choo choo" so I can PEE in PEACE. That is always a prayer God answers with a resounding "No." Which I guess is proof at least that God answers prayer.
So...life has been exceedingly hectic but is starting to get back to normal. Maybe. *We moved out of my father-in-law's house and into a rental in west Lancaster. Now we're on the opposite side of the planet from all of our friends, but exceptionally close to most of our family. My mother-in-law is only a couple miles away and my parents are a little over half a mile. But Littlerock High School is now a 50-mile round-trip, so I will try to sub in Lancaster more often.
*One of my sisters moved to UCSD, which I might expand on later.
*My youngest sister is about to start school again and her FIRST JOB! Woot!
*I'm applying for a handful of jobs at AVC (Oh, I lust after good benefits. Oh, and more money.).
*Jack is talking and copying everything we say. Even the less agreeable words that occasionally slip out. He is also gigantic and is in 2T clothes now and size 5 diapers. Ugh. He is soooo big! And handsome. And perfect.

It is wonderful at night when Jack falls asleep in my arms, "beet-ah" (binky) in his mouth and I can imagine that he is still a baby, still sweetly curled in my arms, even if the legs and arms hang off the edges a bit more than ever. I love the completely surrendered state of sleep he often slips into when he hasn't had a nap during the day. His binky slips out of his mouth and I could probably juggle him and he wouldn't wake up.
I think a lot about how I'm going to handle him getting old enough that he won't let me cuddle him. Am I really going to get to a stage when I'm okay with not covering his face with kisses or ache for him to hold my hand with his little fingers? It's absolutely bizarre to me.
I also think a lot about how much work being a mom is, having ONE is...and then the thought will cross my mind, maybe I'll just have one. Then this overwhelming sense of responsibility washes over me that I need to give Jack a brother or sister. That he needs a playmate, a friend, someone to fight with and play with and love and hate. Someone other than me, I mean. And then I think about how I miss getting pregnant (hey, I can't lie), being pregnant and even wearing preggo pants again and going through labor, as painful as that can be. And how I will treasure a new one so much more even than Jack, since I mostly know what to expect and can delight in his/her differences rather than jump in panic everytime they squeak, squeal or cry. So I think we'll have another one. Not now, not for awhile, but we do want about three. I think.

Sorry for all the disjointed-ness in this post. I'm always a little rusty whenever I plop myself down here to actually write something.

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